Teeny tiny scraps

Teeny tiny scraps

Sometimes I just get a hankering to pull out my itsy bitsy scrap pieces and see what I can do with them.  This is what got started from my yellow bin. I then went on to pull out more.  Each colored piece is about 4 1/2 inches across and the strips prior to sewing are...
Long weekends….

Long weekends….

How I love a long weekend! I had a wonderful, restful and reflective time with my family and alone as well. And part of that time involved  finishing two quilt tops I’ve been planning for a  long time. This one uses 36 different “made fabric” blocks...
First quilt of 2016!

First quilt of 2016!

Well, ALMOST the first. Still have to bind and wash, but I just finished this very dense quilting.  I needed to start the year with a project that I really wanted to look at – both as a project to work on and something I wanted to keep (for me!) in our home....
Sweet Sue

Sweet Sue

On it’s way to to North Carolina, something special for a special sister-in-law.  I hope she’ll cuddle in it through the winter, and know that she has so much love from all those she touches.  I quilted in all her special names, just to remind her!  I...
I Spy Quilt

I Spy Quilt

My kids and I enjoyed the “I Spy” baby books when they were little.  I recall many hours of looking for items in the books, seeing if we could find all the hidden images.  It was long before I began quilting (who had the time with little ones and work!),...
For friends in need

For friends in need

I have a personal goal to make a quilt for any friend who has a baby 😀 or has surgery☹️. Sadly, for my sick friends and family, I’ve had a hard time keeping up with my goal. But I’m glad to have this quilt solidly underway for a good friend whom I hope...
Black and White and Red All Over

Black and White and Red All Over

So I completed a lovely quilt for his girlfriend’s dorm room and wanted to make something special for my son, too (I mean BUY something ready made?! The horror!) My firstborn leaves for his freshman year in college next month. His college colors are red and...
Quilted Gift Bags

Quilted Gift Bags

I spent the weekend whipping up these fun little bags and really got the factory assembly rolling! Almost all of these were quilt-as-you-go test blocks or pieces that I’ve had hanging around (in some cases for years!) and had stored away. I have a team of very...
Off to college!

Off to college!

Finished and ready to go!
New Pillows

New Pillows

Spinning Star Finished

Spinning Star Finished

Finished and mailed today for a “star” member of my staff as a thank you for her super-star effort. I hope she likes it!  I’ve held onto this Japanese dragonfly and batik fabric for too long.  Time to put it to a good use!
David’s Get-Well-Happy Birthday-Happy-Anniversary Quilt

David’s Get-Well-Happy Birthday-Happy-Anniversary Quilt

A lovely coworker had an emergency appendectomy over the weekend. Anyone I know that has surgery (or has a baby!) gets a quilt from me! So this is my take on a “Guy Quilt.” Easy half square triangle blocks at a very large 14″ each. I challenged...