by Lorraine Woodruff-Long | 2016
This is from my wall of green scrappy “made fabric” from a few months ago. This was the ongoing -and apparently unending- task of trying to use up all my scraps for a useful purpose. I got pretty far on using a large portion of green tiny bits and... by Lorraine Woodruff-Long | 2015
I have a personal goal to make a quilt for any friend who has a baby 😀 or has surgery☹️. Sadly, for my sick friends and family, I’ve had a hard time keeping up with my goal. But I’m glad to have this quilt solidly underway for a good friend whom I hope... by Lorraine Woodruff-Long | 2015
A lovely coworker had an emergency appendectomy over the weekend. Anyone I know that has surgery (or has a baby!) gets a quilt from me! So this is my take on a “Guy Quilt.” Easy half square triangle blocks at a very large 14″ each. I challenged...