Improv Mosaic: Batik Wedding

Improv Mosaic: Batik Wedding

Improv Mosaic Batik Wedding 2024, 100″ x 100″, Batik cotton, Machine pieced and quilted. Gifted as wedding quilt.  The largest of my Improv Mosaic 1.2.3 technique created as a king-sized bed quilt. The block sizes used were 5″, 10″ and...
Improv Mosaic: Log Cabin Fever Dream

Improv Mosaic: Log Cabin Fever Dream

Log Cabin Fever Dream 2022, 36″x36″, Cotton, Machine pieced and quilted A sampler of variations of all types of traditional – and non traditional – log cabin quilt blocks…from Courthouse Steps, White House Steps, Quarter Log Cabin to...
Textile Intarsia #2

Textile Intarsia #2

Textile Intarsia #2 2021, 19″x18″, Cotton, Machine pieced and quilted Using variations on a traditional log-cabin quilt block and small solid fabric scraps recycled from other projects, I south to create a quilt with pulsing energy and color. With the...
Improv Mosaic #3

Improv Mosaic #3

Improv Mosaic #3 2021, 54″ x 54″, Cotton, Machine pieced and quilted Using variations on a traditional log-cabin quilt block and small solid fabric scraps recycled from other projects, I south to create a quilt with pulsing energy and color. With the...
Cassie Baby Quilt

Cassie Baby Quilt

Cassie Baby Quilt: 7 Quilts using 7 Shirts (7×7) Series 2024, W54″xH”72, Repurposed men’s shirting, Machine pieced and quilted.                   ...