I’m honored to have received two ribbons in the San Francisco Quilters Guild 2015 show In March!
I received 3rd place for Selvedge Salvage. This quilt uses the, often thrown away, selvedge end of the fabric. While making other quilts over the past decade, I’ve diligently saved all these pieces in the hope of eventually sewing something out of all the selvedge scraps I’ve been collecting (Confession: a few pieces I actually bought just because I liked the way the selvedge looked!) I enjoy text patterns in fabric and get a kick out of the names of some lines of fabric (like Michael Miller’s “Dysfunctional Family”!)
I love the idea of letting nothing go to waste. Also, I enjoy looking at the quilt and remembering what project each little fabric piece came from and, in many cases, to whom the original was gifted. I already have a bag of extras for the next selvedge quilt project!
I received an Honorable Mention for Scrappy Jewels. This quilt is a rainbow collection of 4″ “made fabric” squares on point, that were created from very small scraps of leftover fabric. I just love sewing together these little random pieces into squares! Each square created seems like a little precious artwork jewel to me, hence the name Scrappy Jewels. I started this project with the intent of clearing out my scrap bin but it appears to have hardly made a dent in my scrap piles!

Scrappy Jewels detail
I was unable to attend the show as I was away for work, but am so grateful for the talented and dedicated folks from my guild for their devotion and hard work to put on the show. Thank you, SFQG!
Really lovely! Congratulations!