It was my pleasure to be the “Guest of Honour” at HM British Consul General’s Residence in celebration of San Francisco Climate Week and Earth Day. My piece, “You’re Getting Warmer: Rising Global Temperatures 1850-2022” was there for guests to see and learn from (it also made a terrific photo backdrop!) Thank you to Consul General Tammy Sandhu MBE and Georgia Rodeo Lowe, the Energy and Climate Policy Advisor for the British Consulate-General, for inviting me! It was a delight talking with guest from the British business community, the California Governors office as well as local green and environmental groups. Guests were interested in learning more about the data behind each monthly fabric piece.  Many guests from the UK were familiar with Professor Ed Wilkins work with Warming Stripes already. Learn more about this and the making of this piece here.

With Consult General Tammy Sadhu
Showing Data
Lorraine Talking
Consul General Tammy Sadhu
With Consul General TAmmy Sandhu MBE and guests
Talking about piece