Three of my quilts were juried into, and received Honorable Mention for, the Envision Arts online Earth-Mother exhibit. The theme is artworks made from recycled materials. Shown are: “Shirt Off His Back” made from my husband’s repurposed shirts; “Julian’s Jeans” made from outgrown denim and twill pants following my son’s teen growth spurt; and “American Patriot: Words Matter” constructed with old jeans from my family and friends. One of my goals this past year was to enter my quilts into more juried shows and exhibitions so I’m pretty excited! (And a first for me in an art show that isn’t exclusively quilts or fiber art!)
My medium is the quilt to highlight the political and moral challenges of today’s world. Using recycled fabric from my family, friends and community, I design modern quilts that create a permanent connection between the original wearer and myself. I use a variety of traditional quilting techniques including machine, hand quilting and applique, and design with traditional blocks as well as improvisational quilting – with a particular emphasis on modern and contemporary designs . My work reflects my community, my family and my political beliefs.

Shirt Off His Back quilt – made from my husbands shirts

American Patriot-Words Matter

Julian’s Jeans